As a leader the buck stops with you. You require an organization that will reliably deliver your strategy, perform with excellence, and create value year after year.  

You clearly set your expectations, yet sometimes the organization fails to respond. You’re pulling all the right levers and steering hard in the right direction–but at times your organization seems to have a mind of its own. You begin to wonder: “Are these levers I’m pulling really connected to anything? Are the gears of my corporate machine aligned? Why is it so difficult to get things done around here? 

If you are feeling this way, or ever have, then our guide to Organizations that work is for you. 

As the leader of your organization, you are focused on creating value:  

  • Value for employees by providing challenging, engaging work and work environments which provide opportunities for growth and development; 
  • Value for customers and clients by providing products, services and experiences that fosters customer loyalty; 
  • Value for shareholders by providing high and sustainable returns on their investments. 

Our experience is that value creation comes from the right structure with the right people in the right roles doing the right work. The bottom line is poor organization design gets in the way of creating value.  That means reorganization is a fact of modern corporate leadership. 

Statistically less than one quarter of organization redesigns succeed with almost half not being fully implemented and a third not achieving the performance improvements that management set out to achieve. It doesn’t have to be this way—and we can show you how to beat the odds.  

Every Tuesday over the next few months, we will be posting blogs that take you from the pain of poor organization design, to identifying the root causes, to the benefits of undertaking strategic organization review. 

We will discuss the steps needed to effectively align your structure and work with your strategy, and we’ll discuss the processes that take out the guess work and help you to get it done.  

We will walk you through the building blocks of creating alignment between your strategy and your structure, the science behind levels of work, the art of grouping work, and how to establish effective teams and cross boundary relationships. Through it all we will discuss how to lead the change activities from start to finish. 

Join us on this journey and learn how effective organization design is within reach for you. Learn how to create and support the organization you need. And learn why exceptional design is not just lines and boxes on a page. 

Let us help you become one of the Organizations that work. 

This blog was written by Michael Brush. As a partner with Core International Inc. since 1997, Mike Brush has worked with many of Canada’s largest companies in structuring to deliver strategy and improve performance. For more, please follow us on LinkedIn or book a call directly with one of our partners.

Our approach draws on several bodies of work including Stratified Systems Theory, the work of Dr. Elliott Jaques. For more on Dr. Jaques and his work visit the Requisite Organization International Institute at ROII Requisite – ROII Requisite.

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