Working With Executives To Unleash Human Capital

Finding Profitable Sustainable Results

Our processes and tools increase productivity by creating a structure that ensures people work at the right level of complexity. Our insights align structure, leadership, and strategy.

How is Your Corporate Culture?

Healthy culture is an outcome of an aligned strategy and structure. Assess your company culture and connect the dots between strategy, structure, and culture.

How is Your Corporate Culture?

Culture reflects your organizational design. Assess your company culture and identify barriers holding back performance potential.

What We Hear From Our Clients…

I keep hearing “innovate or die.” but how can I think about the future and innovate when I’m constantly dragged into solving today’s problems?
Innovation happens at many levels – task, process, product, market, industry… At what level does your organization need to be innovating in order to compete and win?
We don’t seem to have the ability to make, act on or execute our decisions in a timely way.
Is everything a priority? Are you clear on what decisions are your decisions—or is every decision a group decision? At year end can you look back and see that your priorities have been delivered?
I’m not sure if i get to make this decision, or if i have to check with my boss… or is it someone else altogether… maybe this is why it takes so long to get anything done around here!
Bureaucracy slows organizations down. Bureaucracy and hierarchy are often used as if they mean the same thing. In fact, they are two completely different concepts.
We are confident that the strategy we developed is the right strategy, but after 2 attempts we still haven’t got it off the ground.
Is your organization structure aligned with your strategy? Do your people understand their roles and decision-making authority?
Where’s the ROI on my employee engagement projects? Do they really have a higher sustainable impact on employee engagement levels and business outcomes?
Role clarity and managerial accountability are key for higher employee engagement, unlike training or process initiatives.
With the increase in competition the best we can hope for is to slow down the erosion of our market share.
Value creation requires a well-structured company that delivers value to employees, customers, and shareholders. Poor design can block untapped value.

Organization Design Consulting Services

We have helped numerous organizations restructure to have an organization design that aligns structure with strategy, witnessing enhanced productivity and increased accountability.


Work is focused on defining the system

Work is focused on defining the system

Assessment, setting the vision, and creating the work structure i.e., roles and levels of work. Design principles are actively applied to the work in this phase to create the optimal design.


Level by level cascade

Work is focused on implementation / cascade

Clarity of role accountabilities and aligned authorities by level of work complexity, including establishing accountable managerial practices as put forward in the Three-tiered Management system.


Integrate the system

Work is focused on integrating the optimal design & Three-tiered Management system with existing systems

Alignment of key processes is critical to adoption and sustained changes in expected behaviours i.e., driving to a culture of accountability.

Education and Change Management

Strive for success

Work is focused on essential design principles and change management

Successful change hinges on shared goals, clear communication, and a robust organizational structure. Change management and education efforts kick off during our initial meeting.


Work is focused on defining the system

Work is focused on defining the system

Assessment, setting the vision, and creating the work structure i.e., roles and levels of work. Design principles are actively applied to the work in this phase to create the optimal design.


Level by level cascade

Work is focused on implementation / cascade

Clarity of role accountabilities and aligned authorities by level of work complexity, including establishing accountable managerial practices as put forward in the Three-tiered Management system.


Integrate the system

Work is focused on integrating the optimal design & Three-tiered Management system with existing systems

Alignment of key processes is critical to adoption and sustained changes in expected behaviours i.e., driving to a culture of accountability.

Education and Change Management

Strive for success

Work is focused on essential design principles and change management

Successful change hinges on shared goals, clear communication, and a robust organizational structure. Change management and education efforts kick off during our initial meeting.

Pain Points

Our clients are senior executives who are very skilled at identifying and describing issues within their organizations that tell them “something’s not working” or “something’s not right.”

We call those things Pain Points.

Pain Points are the symptoms through which poor organization design reveals itself. They are how bad design “shows up” in an organization.

CORE International Consultants

Meet the Team

Learn more about the team that will be on the ground floor with you, affecting change with an education-first approach that empowers you and your team to maintain change for the long term.
CORE International Consultants

Meet the Team

Learn more about the team that will be on the ground floor with you, affecting change with an education-first approach that empowers you and your team to maintain change for the long term.

Get in Touch

Reach out or book an initial meeting to learn more about the core of your organization’s biggest challenges and how you can improve them to unleash human capital.

Core International | Organization Design Consultants